Becoming a Fit-preneur

Janie Jurkovich
3 min readFeb 1, 2022

My decision to live a better life came after the end of my long-term marriage when I took a good, hard look at my life and didn’t like what I saw.

I was working non-stop, neglecting myself, and was generally unhappy. I knew I was meant to live a better, calmer life; and one filled with joy and happiness.

I decided not to accept the status quo and figure out how to live my best life. And then I did it!

It took about a year to make a noticeable change — going from XL to medium in size. It was slow, but steady progress that got me there.

I am inspired to keep my fitness goals because I worked hard to get in shape and lose weight.

My Motivation to Stay Fit

My first motivation is to stay healthy and fit simply because I feel so much better!

I make time to get enough sleep, exercise regularly and eat healthy. These are my priorities. They are written in my planner just like business appointments.

I know firsthand that if I don’t make this type of lifestyle a priority, I will swiftly return to the days of working non-stop, making poor food choices, and skipping the gym. I know that those choices will result in:

  • a fragmented life
  • scatterbrain decisions
  • a sense of rushing and falling behind
  • weight gain
  • headaches/stomach aches
  • and generally feeling discombobulated!

I don’t want to go back to those days.

I also know that I am much better at running my business if I take care of myself first!

It is much like when you are on an airplane and the stewardess says if there’s a problem to put on your mask first, then help others. We can’t lead the team if we don’t take care of ourselves first.

Since my priority is taking care of myself first, then my business, I make sure to fit in exercise 5 days a week.

As a self-employed entrepreneur, I have the benefit of being able to schedule my work around my exercise. Although these days, more and more people are working from home and I know you can sneak something in.

Typically, my day starts at 9:00 am and stops by 5:00 pm. And I usually don’t work weekends.

Just putting limits on the hours I work helps to make time for exercise and other self-care activities that are necessary to maintain proper care of myself.

I mostly enjoy running and jogging, Pilates and gardening. When the weather is nice, I like to hit golf balls, go horseback riding, bike riding or hiking.

I don’t train this hard anymore, but I still love to run!

My Advice to People Who Say They Don’t Have Time to Keep Fit.

You don’t have time NOT to take care of yourself, and keeping fit is part of taking care of yourself.

You will be of no use to yourself, your team, or your company if you hit burnout!

You must make taking care of yourself the priority, then the path will be much clearer on your work responsibilities.

It is totally attainable if you just start small but start. Those small changes will add up to a new YOU, a better you, a happier you and a more productive you.

Comment below and tell me just one thing you could do to add a little more activity to your life.

Janie J is the author of “Live the Life You Have Imagined,” “Single and Sixty,” “The Unimagined Awakening” and The New I Am Document, Volume 1.” She began writing books after a spiritual awakening let her to tap into universal wisdom. Her mission is to help others live a life of more joy and understanding and to raise the consciousness of all humankind. Get started on your own journey with a free copy of the Connect to Transform Process at

