
Janie Jurkovich
1 min readAug 8, 2024


A new day, new start.

We get them every day.

Don’t squander the newness

By ruminating on the past.

Create a new life,

One that will last.

For your spiritual development

Is the key to everlasting life.

Appreciate it.

Own it.

And you will become

The very best version of yourself.

For God’s magic to unfold,

We must enter this state

Of living and realize

We are all “One.”

Newness helps us grow

In that direction

But only if we grasp

It’s great purpose.

Janie J is the author of “Live the Life You Have Imagined,” “Single and Sixty,” “The Unimagined Awakening” and The New I Am Document, Volume 1.”
She began writing books after a spiritual awakening let her tap into universal wisdom. Her mission is to help others live a life of more joy and understanding and to raise the consciousness of all humankind. Get started on your own journey with a free copy of the Connect to Transform Process at

