Rainbows — An Inspirational Poem

Rainbows are considered God’s gift to us, a little boost of happiness, as it were. The reason is two-fold.
Number one, a Rainbow only exists under a special set of circumstances: rain and sunshine. These two features seldom show up on the same day, so it’s a special occasion when they do.
Secondly, Rainbows are here to show that brighter days are coming, even when we are experiencing dark days. It’s amazing how just looking at a Rainbow can put joy back into our heart. It’s like a pitcher that just filled you with precious holy water! A smile returns to your face, your worries are washed away or cleared away and you can see the light — the goodness in life again.
Yes, Rainbows are here to show God’s promise of better days to come, giving us hope, joy and love along the sometimes-treacherous path of life.
When you are feeling down and desperate, ask God to give you a Rainbow and he will bless you with this special favor.
Remember, all you need to do is ask.
This is one of the lessons from the upcoming volume II of The New I AM Document.
Janie J is the author of “Live the Life You Have Imagined,” “Single and Sixty,” “The Unimagined Awakening” and The New I Am Document, Volume 1.”
She began writing books after a spiritual awakening let her tap into universal wisdom. Her mission is to help others live a life of more joy and understanding and to raise the consciousness of all humankind. Get started on your own journey with a free copy of the Connect to Transform Process at www.TheNewIAMMovement.com/transform.