Janie JurkovichA Life You Only ImaginedA butterfly emerges from her cocoon. She’s wary to venture out into the world, but excited at the same time.Aug 1Aug 1
Janie JurkovichSimple Keys to ProductivityThe number one key to productivity is laser focus. In order to be focused, one must use systems to both schedule and perform specific…Jun 13Jun 13
Janie JurkovichLetting GoLearning to let go is sometimes hard to do. We tend to get stuck in our normal behavior because that’s what we know, and it feels…Jun 4Jun 4
Janie JurkovichJourney of TransformationChange is an inevitable part of life. Whether it’s a shift in our personal circumstances, a career transition, or societal transformations…Apr 4Apr 4
Janie JurkovichWhy Changing Your Perspective is So ValuableDo you ever notice those people who are constantly upbeat, positive, cheerful and have a great outlook on life, even when it’s clear that…Mar 28Mar 28